Now, for the detail of dat poor fish~
the bones in this picture is approximately 20-25cm long, excluding the head n tail.
the fish weights 2.8kg.
only 4 ppl eating this fish!
i can only eat 300grams... full jor....
dis fish is RM90+- / kg!
the name of the fish: 顺壳 (shun hock)-- freshwater fish.
Now, for the detail of my adventure~
This poor incident happened just now, when my brother suddenly so Hao Xin, offered me a lift to kampar. Actually he brought 2 friends of his for a search of delicacies in Tualang (which is about 45 minutes trip from UiTP-- Petronas de university in Perak.). Tualang is famous for it's freshwater seafoods. One of his friend is a tea dealer, and also a former chef, now a food specialist(i duno it's right to translate it this way, but the chinese word to describe it is 食客).
So, we went there, with intention to bury tonnes of freshwater seafoods into our stomach.
due to my skin allergy problems, i did not take any big prawns today, quite sad for it... when we cant eat some food due to our health condition, dat particular food became extra delicious in our eyes... why leh?? hmmm~ it's a question worth thinking~ mayb can get Nobel for it~
so, this poor fish is left with bones after half an hour being served up~ let's give it a loud applause to those 3 gentlements! they each consumed 2 big prawns(each the size of 10cm, weights about 100-150grams) , & (2.9kg-0.3kg/3= +-0.87)kg of the fish!
finally, the meal costs us rm 325.00, not 32.50~
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